Chris De Herrera's Windows CE Website

Discuss.Pocket PC FAQ Forum

Updates Week of November 28, 2004

Introduction of Raj Pillai's ActiveSync Webpages

Raj has been extensively writing about ActiveSync and the Pocket PC.  Here are the articles he has written about ActiveSync that are new to CEWindows.NET:

- Configuring ZoneAlarm with ActiveSync
- ActiveSync & Microsoft Money for Pocket PC
- ActiveSync & Multiple Partnerships
- ActiveSync & Inbox Synchronization
- ActiveSync & Microsoft Bluetooth Wireless Transceiver
- ActiveSync & Unique Partnership Name
- ActiveSync - "Combine or Replace" Dialog

Special thanks to Raj for sharing his work on CEWindows.NET!
Posted Thursday, December 2, 2004 by ChrisD
Rating: 2.63 Comments ()

By Chris De Herrera, Copyright 1998-2010, All Rights Reserved
A member of the Talksites Family of Websites

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