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By Chris De Herrera 
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Pocket PC Security Advisories

  1. Network File Access - Storing Passwords on the Pocket PC Reported: 12/3/03

  2. Airscanner Reports Possible Pocket IE Attack Overview Reported: 1/26/05
    Flaw 1: Unicode URL Obsfucation
    Flaw 3: <div> Tag XSS
    Flaw 2: Local File Access

  3. AirScanner Reports Possible Equipment ID and Password Hack via Network with ActiveSync 3.71 and 3.8 Reported: 08/02/05

  4. AirScanner Reports vxWeb v.1.1.4 Denial of Service Vulnerability Reported: 9/14/05

  5. AirScanner Reports vxFtpSrv 0.9.7 Remote Code Execution Buffer Overflow Vulnerability Reported 9/14/05

  6. AirScanner Reports vxTftpSrv 1.7.0 Remote Code Execution Buffer Overflow Vulnerability Reported 9/14/05

  7. AirScanner Reports Spb Kiosk Engine Program Bypass Reported 12/20/05

  8. AirScanner Reports Spb Kiosk Engine Administrator Password & Information Disclosure (Local) Reported 12/20/05

ActiveSync Security Advisories
Pocket PC Virus List
Protecting Your Data with Encryption

Pocket PC FAQ Forums

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