Chris De Herrera's Windows CE Website

Discuss.Pocket PC FAQ Forum

Updates Week of March 29, 2009

Review: ACER X960 � First Impressions

The device has a rubberized back which gives a good grip when held in hand and due to the slim design, it�s easy to hold. The sides of the phone have a nice metallic finish. You have a set of buttons � 4 in front (call, GPS shortcut, Home shortcut, end call) along with the D-pad in the center and 4 on the left side (volume up/down control, reset hole, voice recorder) and 2 on the right (power, camera). The battery needs to be removed in order to insert your SIM card. 

Read the rest of the review for more details! (Source: Raj Pillai)

Posted Tuesday, March 31, 2009 by ChrisD
Rating: 3.28 Comments ()

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