Chris De Herrera's Windows CE Website

Discuss.Pocket PC FAQ Forum

Updates Week of February 12, 2006

Article: My Time! Demo

At the Microsoft Mobile Platforms Division Partner Briefing I was introduced to John Socha-Leialoha from Potala Software. He showed me his new application called My Time! I was impressed with the simplicity in which he was able to show the current calendar views. I asked him for a demo and I captured it on video.
Posted Monday, February 13, 2006 by ChrisD
Rating: 2.91 Comments ()

Article: Digital Certificates FAQ

One of the common enterprise users experience is installing a digital certificate. Digital Certificates are used to encrypt SSL connections to websites and to allow you to use Exchange ActiveSync. Most websites uses digital certificates from vendors that have root digital certificates installed on the Pocket PC or Smartphone. In most companies they use locally signed certificates. This article explains how to install digital certificates on your Smartphone or Pocket PC.
Posted Sunday, February 12, 2006 by ChrisD
Rating: 2.96 Comments ()

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