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By Chris De Herrera 
Copyright 1998-2007
 All Rights Reserved
A member of the Talksites Family of Websites

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Microsoft ActiveSync 4.2 Troubleshooter
By Chris De Herrera, Copyright 2006
 Version 1.00  Revised 9/24/2006

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    1. Installation

    2. Initial Configuration

    3. USB Issues

    4. Guest Issues

    5. Firewall and Proxy Issues

    6. Outlook Errors

    7. Synchronization Errors

    8. Mobile Information Server / Outlook Mobile Access

    9. Exchange ActiveSync Error Codes and Solutions

    10. Missing Calendar, Contacts or Tasks Items

    11. Security Advisories

    12. ActiveSync 4.x Troubleshooting Guide - General

    13. ActiveSync 4.x Troubleshooting Guide - Limitations

    14. ActiveSync 4.x Troubleshooting Guide - 85010014

    15. ActiveSync 4.x Troubleshooting Guide - Firewall, VPN, Proxy

    16. ActiveSync 4.x Troubleshooting Guide - Logs & Services

    17. ActiveSync 4.x Troubleshooting Guide - Connection Flow

    18. USB Advanced Network Functionality

    19. Microsoft ActiveSync 4.2 Troubleshooting

    20. Using ActiveSync 4.x and Visual Studio 2005 and the Emulator

    21. Understanding ActiveSync or WMDC Partnerships


As part of the ActiveSync 4.2 release, Microsoft now includes an ActiveSync Troubleshooter.  The troubleshooter analyzes the ActiveSync log files for errors and refers users to the Microsoft website for solutions.  To access the troubleshooter, open ActiveSync on your PC and click on Help - Troubleshooter for ActiveSync.  In some cases the troubleshooter will open to assist a user with a problem.

Here are the screen shots of the ActiveSync 4.2 Troubleshooter:

This is the first screen shot of the troubleshooter.  The link for "What will the troubleshooter do?" refers the user to Microsoft's website.

This is the beginning of the scan of the logs.

Here are the results of the scan.

Here is the detailed log file:

Here are the results that the user will see.

If you choose the option to send the results to Microsoft you will see this privacy statement.

Here is the outgoing e-mail that is sent to [email protected] to report the error.  You will note that there is an ASTULog.CAB file as an attachment.  The .CAB extension may be removed by some mail servers since it is commonly used to install applications.  If the .CAB file is removed then Microsoft will not have received the logs.

If your problem is not resolved here, try Bev Howard's Solving ActiveSync Issues, the Microsoft ActiveSync Troubleshooter or Microsoft's Knowledge Base search on ActiveSync or Microsoft's Knowledge Base search on Mobile Information Server.

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