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By Chris De Herrera 
Copyright 1998-2007
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Windows CE Proxy FAQ
By Chris De Herrera, Copyright 1999

 Version 1.02  Revised 8/9/99.

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Windows CE supports the use of a Proxy server for accessing the internet.   Microsoft and other vendors offer a proxy servers so you can choose the vendor you want to use.  Most proxy servers are also Winsock or Socks proxy servers as well.   Right now Windows CE does not support Winsock or Socks proxy servers.  If you have a Winsock or Socks proxy setup on your desktop, you will have problems synchronizing.   I have a fix for the Microsoft Proxy listed on my ActiveSync FAQ.  It may assist others in resolving proxy related conflicts.  Since TCP/IP is connectionless, you can use a proxy server with the serial, USB, Ethernet, Ras, Modem, and IrDA connections.

Configuring Pocket IE

Launch Pocket IE and select View - Options.  Then click on the Proxy Server tab and enter the IP address and port:



Wingate is a shareware proxy server that is available from Deerfield Communications.  By default you can access the web with the standard version using the standard settings. The lite version uses Socks only and it is not compatible with Windows CE. In addition, you can access e-mail as well with these instructions:

1. Create a service for e-mail. The service must have the following:

  • Pop3 host - PC's IP Address (

  • User ID - username#ISP's POP3 Host

  • SMTP Host - PC's IP Address (

  • Return Address - [email protected]

2. Create a mapped port for port 25:

  • Enable Communications to Proxy on Port 25

  • Enable remote host [ISP's SMTP Host] port 25

  • Client IP - blank, host blank port 25

Now you can send e-mail via the proxy server.  Wingate's website has a more complete description of how to do this as well.  This configuration is the same for all machines from PCs to Handheld PCs.

Easy Proxy

Easy Proxy is an  http proxy for you to use with Windows 95/98 or NT.  It allows easy access to the internet for web browsing, however there is no option to support e-mail.

  1. Recheck your settings for Wingate if you are using it. Remember it must be loaded and running in order to work.

  2. If you are using Wingate and you can not surf the web, check Pocket IE's settings and make sure that the proxy server is set and configured with the desktop PC's IP address (

  3. If you are using a Corporate Network and you can not surf the web, check with the Network Administrator. You may need to configure Pocket IE to use a proxy server.  Confirm that Port 80 is the web proxy server, in some cases the Network Administrator has chosen another port.

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Related Links:

Ethernet FAQ


Remote ActiveSync FAQ

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