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By Chris De Herrera 
Copyright 1998-2007
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A member of the Talksites Family of Websites

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Compaq CompactFlash Card Quick Review
By Chris De Herrera, Copyright 2002
 Version 1.00  Revised 3/22/2002

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I got a chance to take a quick look at the new second generation Compaq CompactFlash sleeve recently . It is much thinner than the original - about 1/2 as thick - kind of like the Silver Slider without the big lip at the top..  Also, it fits in your hand much better since it's more curved on the back.  In the second generation Compaq added a removable battery so you can use it with the battery for a longer runtime or remove it and use it as an even thinner sleeve.  It also integrates the cover that the 3800 series iPAQ ships with into the sleeve.


Top view - See the eject button on the left and the cover like the 3800 series case comes with out of the box.

Back view

Removable Battery

Without the battery

Side View


I really liked the size of the sleeve - it's definitely thinner than the CompactFlash sleeve that Compaq is selling.  I really like the idea of having a removable battery.

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