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By Chris De Herrera 
Copyright 1998-2007
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A member of the Talksites Family of Websites

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DualCor's cPC Preview at CES 2006 - Accessories
By Chris De Herrera, Copyright 2006
 Version 1.00  Revised 1/08/2006

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So you want a Pocket PC and Tablet PC? Well you can get both with the DualCor cPC!  I met with Steve Hanley, President of DualCor at the Lunch at Piero's event where I saw the DualCor cPC.

Here's an example of an external battery pack for the DualCor cPC.

Here's the cPC with an attached keyboard. The keyboard mounts on the back of the cPC and folds to approximately the same size as the cPC.  Also, this keyboard has a pointing stick built in so you can use the cPC just like a miniature laptop.

Articles on the cPC:

DualCor's cPC Preview at CES 2006
DualCor's cPC Preview at CES 2006 - Pictures
DualCor's cPC Demo at CES - Video

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