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By Chris De Herrera 
Copyright 1998-2007
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A member of the Talksites Family of Websites

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Press Releases

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Applian Technologies announces PicturePerfect 5.1

Applian Technologies announces PicturePerfect 5.1, which adds a multitude of thumbnail viewing options to this popular photo viewing software for the Pocket PC, making it easier than ever before to locate and browse photos.

With PicturePerfect 5.1, customers can now select from normal, full-screen, or 2x2, 3x3 or 4x4 thumbnail views. In addition, users can use the new enlarge option which magnifies thumbnails. A special page on the Applian site has screenshots of the different thumbnail views here:


PicturePerfect 5.1 will be compatible with the upcoming Pocket PC 2002 devices, and is still value priced $19.95. You can get PicturePerfect 5.1 from the Applian Web site at Updates are free for registered customers of PicturePerfect 5.0 or later.

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