Pocket PC Support
By Chris
De Herrera, Copyright 2004
Version 1.00 Revised 7/12/2004
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As part of select a Pocket PC as an individual or a
corporate rollout you should assess the support available from the OEM for
your particular Pocket PC. As part of this assessment you should
consider the following items:
OEM Assessment Checklist
- Phone Support � All OEMs offer phone support for
their Pocket PCs. However there are some differences out there. Some
OEMs only offer 90 days of free support so make sure you know what it will
cost if you have a problem after 90 days.
- Time to repair � One of the most difficult things to
deal with once you�ve had a personal device like a Pocket PC is getting
along without it. Well some OEMs offer advance replacements (with a
credit card guarantee) while others require you to mail in the Pocket PC
and wait until it�s repaired. Either way you should know what to expect
in advance of making a purchase.
- Reported Problems with your model Pocket PC � I
highly recommend that you assess whether or not problems have been
reported by users by visiting websites such as Pocket PC Thoughts (www.pocketpcthoughts.com),
Pocket Now (www.pocketnow.com)
and the forums at Pocket PC Magazine (http://www.ppcmag.com/forum/)
so you know what the quality level of the Pocket PC you are buying.
- Patches and Rom Upgrades - Also, you should visit
the OEMs website to see what patches or rom upgrades have been provided to
fix the problems users have reported above. You�ll want to install the
appropriate patches on your Pocket PC to reduce the problems you will
- Prior Patches and Rom Upgrades - If you are
considering a new generation of Pocket PC then I recommend that you look
at prior generations of Pocket PCs that an OEM created and see what issues
they have had. Also, look at what patches or rom upgrades they have
offered to fix these problems. In particular note the amount of time that
the OEM offers patches or rom upgrades for older model Pocket PCs as a way
to gauge the level of commitment you can expect from your OEM in the
- Longevity of Support � How long will the OEM offer
to assist and repair your Pocket PC? This is an important issue for
corporate roll outs since they expect that the Pocket PC will be usable
for a life of 2-3 years.
Operating System Upgrades
Also, while you are checking with the OEM you should
ask them what their policy is for operating system upgrades. You�ll find
that some OEMs offer the ability to upgrade to the next generation of Pocket
PC, while others do not. If the OEM does not then you can look at what they
have done in the past with older Pocket PCs. As with any upgrade OEMs do
charge for them so you may want to ask what they have charged for prior
operating system upgrades.
Calling Support
Prior to calling support, I recommend that you make
some notes to make assisting you with your problem easier. I suggest noting
the make, model, serial number and rom version (usually displayed when you
perform a soft reset) of your Pocket PC. Also, if you are having problems
with ActiveSync make sure you note what desktop operating system you are
using as well as what version of Outlook and ActiveSync you have installed.
Finally make sure you observe what is happening when you are having a
problem. Try to describe it to the support person and provide them with the
steps required to reproduce the problem. Finally note what additional
applications you have installed � in some cases they can be the source of
the problem.
Users and Corporations armed with this support
information can make the best decision on what Pocket PC will be supported
the best for them. Further with the notes I described in Calling Support
they will be able to get faster and less frustrating support in resolving
their problem.
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