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By Chris De Herrera 
Copyright 1998-2007
 All Rights Reserved
A member of the Talksites Family of Websites

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Sample Programs courtesy of Terence Goggin, Information Appliance Associates

Undocumented ActiveSync Switches - Setup Guest Only and automatically run applications when you start ActiveSync! ActiveSyncKeys sample application included.

7DayApptView - Easily view the next 7 days of appointments all on one screen! Now supports English, Spanish, French, Italian and German automatically based on the default language of your Pocket PC!

RegKing v1.7RegKing 2002, RegKing 2003 - RegKing Comparison- The Ultimate Hack Tool for Beginners!
 Install and uninstall registry hacks.  This is designed to be very easy for users to update their Pocket PCs.  

CEWebInstallX - Allows developers to distribute their applications via the internet and install them on your Windows CE device using the desktop's internet connection.  Uses standard .CAB files and works on all web servers and ISPs.

Sample Program Courtesy of Cl�udio Rodrigues

TSSizer - Allows administrators of a Terminal Server to size the server based on the number of users, user type, and type of profile.  

Sample Program Courtesy of Developer One

ScreenSnap 4.0 - Allows users to capture screen shots of applications running on the Handheld PC, Handheld PC 2000, and Palm-size PC.  Developer One offers ScreenSnap 5.0 for the Pocket PC on their website.

Sample Program courtesy of Grant Beattie

Resync - Allows users to stop and restart ActiveSync automatically.  This fixes some common problems with ActiveSync.

Killsync - Allows users to stop ActiveSync automatically.  This frees ram and speeds your PC.

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